We’ve all heard of getting Botox for those pesky lines between our brows, but here are some ways Botox is being used that you may not know about! 


When a facial muscle contracts, it wrinkles the skin above it. With repetitious action over the years, this leads to wrinkle formation, something most of us are not a fan of. To treat that, we rely on a little substance called neurotoxin. Neurotoxins of similar function are branded under the names, Botox®, Dysport®, Xeomin®, and Jeuveau®, with Botox being the brand most of us are familiar with. When a neurotoxin is injected into a muscle, it temporarily blocks the signal that causes the muscle to contract. Thus, by preventing the muscle movement, we prevent wrinkle formation! But disabling muscle contraction can do a whole lot more than just prevent wrinkles. 


Neurotoxins can also relax the muscles involved with clinching or grinding your teeth (called bruxism). This muscle is the first to become tense in times of emotional distress, intense concentration, and even during sleep. In severe cases, the masseters become chronically engaged and lead to difficulty or pain when opening the jaw. In most cases, this overstimulation causes stress related migraines. 

You can feel your own muscles by placing four fingers flat in front of your ear and then lowering them to the jawline. Next, bite down or clinch your jaw in a chewing motion. The muscle pushing against your fingers is your masseter. If this movement is strong enough to move your fingers, you may benefit from this treatment. 

Placing a little bit of neurotoxin in the masseter every few months can significantly improve these tension related conditions and, in many cases, vastly improve your quality of life. Reducing this muscle can also have cosmetic indications as well and will be covered in our face shape article. Stay tuned for that! 

  • Cost: $400-500
  • Frequency: 2-3 months
  • Discomfort: Minimal


If you’re self-conscious about your nostrils flaring, neurotoxins can help with that too! For under $100 you can calm the muscle that flares the nose. There are other things you can do to improve the aesthetic of your nose, but we will discuss that in our next article about fillers. 

  • Cost: <$100
  • Frequency: 3-4 months
  • Discomfort: Minimal-moderate


If you are constantly planning your outfits based on their ability to conceal embarrassing sweat stains or odors, then this one’s for you! Sweat occurs in two forms, the smelly oily kind that occurs in your armpits and genitalia and the watery electrolyte-based kind found on the rest of your body, like the hands. These sweat glands can become overactive, a condition called “hyperhidrosis”, causing embarrassing social interactions. The most common areas to be treated with botox are the armpits and palms. Superficially injected botox in these areas can greatly reduce or inhibit the sweat glands from excreting their substances. These are typically very sensitive areas, so numbing medicine is used to greatly reduce the discomfort of injections. In addition, botox lasts much longer in these areas requiring less frequent treatments. 

  • Cost: $1200+ for both armpits or both hands
  • Frequency: 6 months
  • Discomfort: Moderate with topical numbing application


Another common area that we tend to be self-conscious about is our chin. Specifically, the dimpling in the skin when pursing your lips together tightly during conversation, or when taking the iconic kissing selfie. In the medical field, this dimpling of the skin is called “peau d’orange” because the pitted skin resembles the peel of an orange. Just a few units of botox will help to soften this movement and smooth the skin on the chin. 

  • Cost: <$100
  • Frequency: 3-4 months
  • Discomfort: Minimal

All of these areas are a specialty of neurotoxin delivery and should be treated by an experienced practitioner. If you have questions regarding Botox treatments, and you should, please feel free to leave a comment below or come see us for a consultation!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.

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