Embrace the journey to perkier, more youthful-looking breasts through breast lift procedures offered at Setty Plastics & Aesthetics. Discover the transformative possibilities for a rejuvenated bust line and enhanced confidence.
The Breast Lift Procedure
A breast lift, typically lasting around two hours under general anesthesia, involves specific incisions around the areola, vertically from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease and sometimes horizontally within the breast crease. Dr. Setty uses incisions based on the severity of breast sag and typically trims away excess skin, tightens the remaining skin, and lifts the breasts for a more youthful appearance. Dr. Setty uses special techniques to reposition existing breast tissue to help restore some upper pole fullness. In some cases, Dr. Setty may perform a breast lift along with breast implants if discussed prior to surgery to help increase fullness more than can be achieved by a breast lift alone.